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How to Get the Sunkissed Look This Summer

As the days grow longer and the sun shines brighter, there’s no better time to embrace the radiant glow of the season. Achieving that gorgeous sunkissed look is easy with the right skincare and makeup. Follow our tips below to learn how you can achieve a luminous complexion that’s reminiscent of days spent basking in the sun. Get ready for an effortless glow while keeping your skin healthy and protected!

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Step 1: Prepare your base

Before starting on your makeup, it’s crucial to spend some time prepping your skin. Use a quality exfoliator to get rid of any dead skin cells and reveal a softer, brighter complexion. Choose a gentle exfoliator that won’t strip your skin of its natural oils, and pay particular attention to areas like the cheeks, forehead and nose. Follow this with a hydrating, replenishing moisturiser to hydrate and sooth the skin, creating a flawless base for makeup application.

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Step 2: Get a natural fake tan

While we can all appreciate the warmth of the sun, prolonged exposure can lead to skin damage, premature ageing, and—more seriously—skin cancer. Luckily, there’s a safe alternative for achieving a sunkissed look: self-tanners. The self-tanning products of today have evolved from the orange, streaky formulas of the past, offering natural colour instantly. Choose a self-tanner that matches your skin tone/type, and apply it to your face/body evenly and according to the instructions. Strala offers a wide range of tanning options for both face and body.

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Step 3: Highlight your features

To enhance your sunkissed glow, opt for illuminating makeup products that help enhance the natural radiance of naturally tanned skin. Start with a luminous primer, like ARTDECO’s Illuminating Primer to create a dewy base, then follow up with a lightweight foundation or tinted moisturiser for a natural finish. Next, use bronzer to add dimension to your face, focusing on areas where the sun naturally hits—such as the cheekbones, temples, and bridge of the nose. Check our ARTDECO’s “Goddess of the Sun” collection for everything you need to create the perfect summer look. Check out the All Seasons Bronzing Powder and Sunkissed Blush if you want to look like you’ve just spent a day at the beach! For an added touch of luminosity, dust a highlighter across the high points of your face.

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Step 4: Less is more

When aiming for this sunny aesthetic, simplicity is key. Choose lightweight formulas in gentle, summery hues that accentuate your natural beauty without overshadowing it. Trade heavy eyeshadows for a delicate sweep of golden or bronze tones on the lids, and opt for a peachy or coral blush to infuse your cheeks with a touch of warmth. Complete the look with a sheer lip gloss or tinted lip balm for a subtle burst of colour that perfectly captures the essence of summer.

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Step 5: Protect and perfect

During the summer months, protection is KEY. Make sure to incorporate a broad-spectrum sunscreen of SPF 30 or above into your daily skincare routine, opting for a lightweight formula that won’t feel greasy or heavy on the skin but will still give you the protection you need. Reapply sunscreen every two hours, especially if you’re spending extended periods outdoors, and seek shade during the sun’s peak hours to minimise exposure. Protective clothing such as wide-brimmed hats and lightweight long sleeves are also great options to keep your face, chest and arms shielded.

With the simple steps above, you’ll be well on your way to achieving the sunkissed look of your dreams while maintaining healthy, hydrated and protected skin. It’s time to embrace the beauty of the summer and let your radiant glow shine through!